Inseparable - A JB Love Story [Chapter 51]
Hehe, I love the next few chapters....they were the best to write :) comment.rate.add.fave.sub.SHARE. GET MY STORIES OUT THERE PLEASE! --- *twenty minutes later* Joe: Okay, does EVERYONE have sunglasses? Nick: Yep. Jaydlyn: Yeah. Caroline: No. Wait, yeah, I do. Joe: Okay, so where are we going? Jaydlyn and Caroline simultaneously: I don't know. Nick: Go, IHOP! Joe: Or Waffle House. Nick: Dude, what's the difference? Joe: *"as a matter of fact" tone* Um, IHOP doesn't have waffles. Duh. Nick: Oh, gosh, man. Whatever. Joe: Just kidding. I'm just being difficult. Nick: Oh really? Well, newsflash. You do a good job of doing it WITHOUT trying. *rolls eyes* Caroline: Are you guys okay? Joe: Oh, this is just the "First Day of Touring Attitude." You know, rough night, jam-packed day. Everyone's a little cranky. It'll wear off by tomorrow. Caroline: Oh, okay. Well, I pick IHOP, if that's okay. Nick: Thank you. Joe: Alright, fine. Let's go. *They eat at IHOP, where they get a couple of snapshots from paparazzi. They get back to the hotel at around 9:15.* Jaydlyn: Okay, so I'm like, stuffed. Taryn: There you guys are! Me and Kevin were wondering where you were at. Caroline: We went to IHOP for breakfast. It was good. We are full. Kevin: Gosh, way to take forever. Nick: Dude, we totally have like, a half-hour before we are "officially" supposed to be ready. YOU wanted to wake everyone up all early like you're some annoying alarm clock. I could've woken up right now and STILL be ready ...
Ariens 920006 Decide Now
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